Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week Five Reading Reflection - Transforming Teaching

I chose this article because I feel like the current traditional teaching model needs a little modification.  I do not feel like teaching in this manner meets the needs of enough of the students.  I feel we should teach to the student needs.

The article talks about having teacher led committees on different issues such as multiculturalism and early childhood education.  These teacher committees can run in-services which include workshops for other teachers.  This allowed current teachers to learn from people who were currently still in the classroom.  The district had paid substitutes so the teachers on the committees could go to workshops and conferences else where and bring back what they have learned to share with the other teachers.  The goal of all of the committees was to help create a curriculum where students needs were the focus.  Eventually budget cuts led to most of the committees breaking down.  There was no evidence of how these committees actually affected student learning.

I could use this information as a teacher by doing as much professional development as possible.  This development should come from individuals recently in the classroom.  As a community of teachers we will need to make sure that our students' needs are being met.

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