Friday, March 12, 2010

Classroom Discipline Plan

Be Prepared: bring all necessary materials (homework, pencil, paper, book, etc.)
         Students will need to stay after class for every offense that disrupts the learning process, the more times students are unprepared, the longer they will have to stay (1st time 2 minutes, 2nd time 4 minutes, etc.)

Be Respectful:  Treat others the way the way you would like to be treated. This includes no talking while others are talking
          If students are disrespectful, they will need to stay after class and write a letter to whom they have disrespected.

Be on time:  Must be ontime for class and after any breaks
          Students will need to stay after class for the amount of time they were tardy if unexcused. This can occur 3 times before I begin detentions, saturday school, etc.

Appropriate language: We are in an academic setting and should use academic language.  Slang and foul language will not be tolerated.
          There are many different levels of severity to this offense.  The more severe the more drastic.  Swearing or offensive language will result in being sent outside the classroom or to the office.  This will be determined by the number of offenses.  If academic language is not used, the student must share what they actually meant to say using academic language.
Properly store electronics: Cell phones, ipods, etc. need to be put away while there is a lecture, class discussion, etc.  ipods may be used during individual or quiet work time.
          If I see them out when they should not be, I will take them and return them at the end of the class period.  they will not get them back even if there is individual work time.


  1. I love the way you say no electronics while you are teaching. I enjoyed your explanations for each topic that you address.

  2. I like the appropriate language expectation. It covers many areas and is very clear. I hope we all become teachers that don't ignore the bad language we hear, and address it instead! good job!

  3. Be On Time. I know we all think this is so important but I got to thinking after the Coronado night and realized this may not be a very good rule. What modification are you going to make for students who have issues that need to be taken care of? Im thinking of first period the most, are you going to send them to the office every day if you know they are dropping their sibling off at school? If its posted as a rule you have to enforce it. What do you think?
