Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Extra Credit Reading Reflection One - Teaching's Revolving Door

I chose this article because I am concerened about actually staying a teacher.  I am afraid that something will make me leave the profession such as administration.  I want to try to figure out what I should do to make sure I stay in this profession.

This article gave a personal account of somebody who left the profession due to poor staff and student support.  She had not been prepared for the urban school setting.  She still teaches, but she teaches at the community college level.  There are many teachers who leave the profession every year; only about one-third of those who leave do so for retirement.   On top of those teachers who leave the profession, other teachers switch districts to get a "better" job.  A few urban schools found that residency programs help retain teachers.  Creating residency programs that support new teacher is costly, however they found that it is less costly then constantly recruiting new teachers.  This article also stresses the importance of learning proper classroom management before entering an urban classroom.

I could use this information in the future by making sure I am prepared for all classroom settings I encounter.  I also need to prepare myself for entering a school for with I do not feel as though I belong.  I will need to remind myself why I have entered this profession in the first place.  I will also be sure to ask for support or advise whenever needed.

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