Friday, March 12, 2010

Extra Credit Reading Reflection Two - Getting to the Heart of Quality Teaching

I chose this article because this is the reason I became a teacher.  I had a low quality teacher that made me dislike math.  I then had three different teachers who I would say were high quality.  Not only did they teach me math, but they gave me the confidence that I could do whatever I put my mind too.

This article talks about many different aspects of quality teaching.  A few of these include how new teachers are usually placed in the lowest level classes with the hardest students.  Also, many teachers leave the profession causing it hard to have expert teachers in the classrooms.  Causes for leaving the profession include having too little plan time or having too many students.  When teachers get their credential, they are not necessarily a quality teacher.  Quality teachers do things such as get involved in students lives, are activists, hopeful, and critical.  The school, teachers, families, and unions all need to work together to produce and retain quality teachers.

I will use this in the future by making sure that I focus on the qualities that make a quality teacher.  I need to be sure to be critical, involved in student lives, an activist and hopeful.

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