Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week Two Reading Reflection - Disrupting Class

3 things I learned/connected with:
1. Everybody learns differently.  This is something I have seen in the classroom and experienced.  I have explained things once and some students understood.  Then when others did not understand I would take a different approach.
2. I learned that approximately 1/3 of a districts budget is spent on educating special needs students.  I had not before realized how much it actually cost to educate special needs students.
3. The students that tend to learn like the teacher succeed, the others do not.  I have experienced many of times throughout my educational career.  For example, I do not learn well on my own and when this is how teachers expect us to learn I do not learn well.

2 disagreements/questions:
1. Why do some teachers feel like saying the same thing over and over helps? I feel things need to explained/demonstrated in a different manner if there is still confusion.
2. Why do we continue to build schools set up for standardization success when this mode of teaching is not successful for most students?  The set up of our schools has been the same way and the results are not changing.

1 thing I would like to learn more about:
1. I would like to learn how to be the teacher that does not just say the same thing louder and slower when a students is confused.  This is one thing that I do not like to see and do not want to ever be like this teacher (even if it is 10 years from now).

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