Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week Three Reading Reflection - Ethnography Piece

3 things I learned/connected with:
1. I learned that ethnography means writing about the nations.  Before this reading, I was actually not sure what ethnography meant.  I had assumed it would have had something to do with ethnicity, but there is more than that.
2. I learned that it is important to be reflective of your findings.  We need to take our findings and truly look at what we have discovered, and not just state what we have found and be finished. 
3. I learned that the questioner must sometimes suppress their own beliefs.  I would think that if we are trying to come to a conclusion, that it would be okay to leave some findings out that we did not agree with or that disagreed with all of our other findings.  It is actually very important to be objective and share all findings equally.

2 disagreements/questions:
1.Can the questioner not guide the answers desired by asking the proper questions to get the desired results?  I feel like I could ask a certain question to hint at a desired result, only ask certain people, or only share certain information that benefits my study.
2. Becuase there is a lot of information available for ethnographers, how do we decide what is "good" information to use and what is not?  There are a lot of topics to choose from to research, and there is a lot of information for each topic.  I am just not sure how to make my project worthwhile for me and others.

1 thing I would still like to learn:
1. I would like to learn about school ethnographies done in the past and also look at those done today.  I feel that it would be interesting to learn how people felt about certain schools in the past versus the same school as today.  I feel like this might show how the school has or has not moved forward in keeping up with the twenty-first century.

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